Reading Concert BookTalk Text-Sound-Performance
Sa, 18. November 2023 20:00

Worte und Töne

Bodo Hell, Mara-Daria Cojocaru and Ramsch & Rosen

Words and Sounds

Authors: Bodo Hell (Vienna and am Dachstein), Mara-Daria Cojocaru (London)
Music: Ramsch & Rosen (Julia Lacherstorfer, violin, vocals; Simon Zöchbauer, Zither, trumpet, vocals)
Moderator: Veronika Trubel (Vienna)
German (Simultaneous interpretation into English)
In cooperation with Festival Glatt&Verkehrt.

Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche

Past event


Change of programme on 18.11. 17:00 and 20:00 hrs.

Instead of Bernardo Zannoni, the German writer and philosopher Mara-Daria Cojocaru, who lives in London, will read. The author will read herself, so Manuel Rubey's appearance will be omitted.

At the 5 p.m. event, for which Cojocaru was originally scheduled, only three authors will therefore read: Roberta Dapunt (Abbey/Badia, Italy), Kinga Tóth (Berlin, Debrecen), Tara June Winch (Paris)

The first part of this evening of literature, music and performance introduces Bodo Hell who celebrates his eightieth birthday with the release of a brilliant book and an audio book with CD. With sound editor Martin Leitner, he set off on a hiking trail and recorded sounds, noises and songs of people and animals. Der Standard calls Bodo Hell the “word courier” and all-rounder of Austrian contemporary literature. Hell’s performance presents samples from his nature recordings and texts. Text-sound-performance nature recording, audio book by Bodo Hell, Martin Leitner and Georg Vogel.

Mara-Daria Cojocaru's poems are filled with a fascinating variety of animals – be they real, invented, twisted, composed like fairy tales or admonishing figures of thought. The human and the animal intermingle, the perspectives constantly change. During the Literature Days we also show her exhibition "Fabulous. Writing poems with dogs".

The music is performed by Ramsch & Rosen with virtuoso contemporary folk music, developed by two exceptional musicians Julia Lacherstorfer and Simon Zöchbauer.



Bodo Hell
b. 1943, is an Austrian writer who works on prose, radio, theatre, text and music performances, photography and film. He has a smallholding on an Alpine pasture. Recently published: Begabte Bäume, Graz 2023

Mara-Daria Cojocaru
b. 1980, is a German author and philosopher. Her specialist interests are philosophical pragmatism and animal philosophy (her book Menschen und andere Tiere was published in 2021). Her poetry has won numerous prizes, including the German Prize for Nature Writing. Recently published in German: Buch der Bestimmungen, 2021

Whoever has the courage to remind literature of its obligations so intensely and at the same time with an endless love of language, should definitely be read.
Alexandru Bulucz, Der Tagesspiegel

Ramsch & Rosen
Contemporary folk music – from past and present. Julia Lacherstorfer (violin, viola, vocals, bells, drum) and Simon Zöchbauer (zither, trumpet, vocals, shruti box, electronic tanpura)

Lacherstorfer and Zöchbauer are outstanding musicians. Despite or perhaps because of their enormous talent, their way of interpreting is captivatingly human. From the most delicate, almost fragile zither tunes to the punchy Gstanzl-lied, the pieces radiate warmth and energy and, despite the perfect playing, are achieved without a maestro’s conceit for the notes.
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