Reading LitTalks Concert
Su, 19. November 2023 11:00

Literarisch-musikalische Matinee zu Ehren Philippe Sands

Honorary Award of the Austrian Book Trade for Tolerance in Thought and Action

Literary-Musical Matinée in Honour of Philippe Sands

Reading and discussion with Philippe Sands (London)
Laudatory speech: Ernst Strouhal (Vienna)
Moderator: Rosie Goldsmith (London)
Music: Duo Sonoma (Mira Gregorič, violin; Sara Gregorič, guitar)

Also available as livestream. The ceremony for the presentation of the Tolerance Award to Philippe Sands by HVB President Benedikt Föger.
Afterwards, a reception hosted by Mayor of the City of Krems, Reinhard Resch.

In cooperation with the Main Association of the Austrian Book Trade, the City of Krems and Festival Glatt&Verkehrt.

Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche

Past event


Jury verdict

“The Main Association of the Austrian Book Trade (HVB) presents Philippe Sands with the Honorary Prize of the Austrian Book Trade for Tolerance in Thought and Action 2023. Philippe Sands without question is among the most eminent international lawyers and intellectuals who set the parameters of societal discourse and advocate a more tolerant world. As an author he has reached a wide readership with his numerous academic handbooks on international law as well as his contemporary history books. He has proved that a forensic pursuit of facts and precise thinking are no impediment to the meticulous presentation of his subject but, on the contrary, are its most valuable tools. His books, translated into numerous languages, address crimes against humanity, torture and genocide, regardless of whether these took place in the past or in the present day. His endeavour to adopt “ecocide” into the system of international law as a crime against humanity, where people as well as corporations or states can be made responsible for the consequences of serious damage to the environment, shows how profoundly Philippe Sands keeps pace with the problems of our times.”


Philippe Sands
b. 1960, is a British and French writer, lawyer and Professor of International Law and Director of the Centre on International Courts and Tribunals at University College London. He is a passionate advocate of humanitarian projects and international law. His cases include that against former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. Sands’ family roots are in Lviv, where most of his family was murdered during the Second World War. He was President of the English PEN from 2018 to 2023. In 2020, The Ratline was published in German as Die Rattenlinie – ein Nazi auf der Flucht and in 2017 Rückkehr nach Lemberg (original 2016: East West Street), which won the Baillie Gifford Prize and Wingate Literary Prize 2016 and was named Book of the Year by the British Book Awards 2017.

Recently published in German: Die letzte Kolonie. Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit im Indischen Ozean, 2023 (original: The Last Colony 2022).

A gripping adventure, an astounding journey of discovery and a terrifying and timely portrait of evil in all its complexity, banality and self-justification ...”
Stephen Fry on The Ratline. Love, Lies and Justice on the Trail of a Nazi Fugitive

Ernst Strouhal
b. 1957, is an Austrian writer, journalist and cultural historian. He is professor at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and Vienna University of Technology. Recently published: Vier Schwestern, 2022.

Duo Sonoma
Duo Sonoma from Carinthia surprised with their CD debut in 2021 “Duo Sonoma I” with its unique flair based on relaxed chamber music style. The duo includes guitarist Sara Gregorič and violinist Mira Gregorič. 

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